5 Random Hep Myths...

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...that stop you getting more out of life!

Don't let these common myths stop you from getting the most out of your life and relationships!

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MYTH: Beware of sweaty equipment at the gym. You may catch hepatitis from using them.

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are not transmitted through sweat. So go ahead and enjoy your workout.

However, it is wise to be blood safe at the gym and not share articles which might have come into contact with blood, such as boxing gloves.

MYTH: People with hepatitis might pass it on to your pets.

Hepatitis B and C virus can only infect humans and higher primates. Your pet dog, cat, budgie or goldfish will not get hepatitis B or C from you or your human friends.

MYTH: Don’t share clothes with people who have hepatitis or sit or sleep where they have been. You might get infected.

Hepatitis B and C are not transmitted through casual contact, sneezing, coughing or breathing the same air.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood-to-bloodstream contact and sexual contact.

Hepatitis C is transmitted only through blood-to-bloodstream contact.

The blood and/or sexual fluid have to get into your body for transmission to occur.

MYTH: Be careful who you kiss. You can get hepatitis from kissing.

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are not transmitted via saliva. Hepaittis B is transmitted through blood to bloodstream contact and sexual contact. Hepatitis C is transmitted only through blood to bloodstream contact.

Although the hepatitis B virus is found in saliva the amount is not enough for it to be a transmission route. However, hepatitis B and C may be transmitted through kissing if there is blood present.

MYTH: Watch out who you share your laundry with. You can get hepatitis from doing your washing in the same load.

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are not found on clothing through normal skin contact. It is safe to wash clothes in the same load as someone with hepatitis, even if they are blood stained.

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