SA Harm Reduction Peer Services

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Hepatitis SA runs five Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) sites at Hackney, Adelaide, Elizabeth, Noarlunga, and Port Adelaide, as well as a syringe vending machines at Hackney, Noarlunga and Elizabeth. Our Harm Reduction Peers also attend rostered sessions at other sites at various times during the week.

Hepatitis SA Peer staffed NSP sites are located at Hackney, Noarlunga, Port Adelaide, and Elizabeth. All operate during normal office hours and stock a full range of free needles and syringes. Sterile water, wheel filters, Sterifilts and tourniquets are available in limited supply at no cost. There are 24 hour syringe vending machine at the Hackney, Noarlunga and Elizabeth sites which dispenses free clean needles.

NSP sites at Noarlunga, Port Adelaide, and Elizabeth are fully staffed by peer workers who have personal experience and knowledge around injecting drug use and also have up-to-date knowledge on hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other blood borne viruses.

SAhrps harm reduction peers are also available regularly at other NSP sites in metropolitan Adelaide including at the Hepatitis SA premises at Hackney.

Read more about the services our harm reduction peers provide...

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