Hepatitis SA provides up-to-date, accurate information on hepatitis B and hepatitis C:
We offer free printed information on basic facts about hepatitis b and hepatitis C, transmission, testing, treatment and living well with viral hepatitis. Our quarterly Hepatitis SA Community News carries personal stories and updates on policy developments and research. (Read online or click here for order form.)
Call the Hepatitis SA Helpline on 1800 437 222 any time between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday. The service is free and confidential. You may discuss all aspects of hepatitis B or C with the helpline worker. All calls are taken by workers trained to provide accurate information without judging the caller.
If you prefer to receive your information face to face, call 1800 437 222 to book an appointment. Face to face information is provided on site at 3 Hackney Road, Hackney 5069. All sessions are confidential and privacy is maintained at all times.
You can sign up for electronic updates on publications, events, research and developments in hepatitis-related matters. We currently maintain three separate distribution lists: Members, Hepatitis Network and Library.
Hepatitis SA maintains a specialist library of physical and online resources including books, reports, audio-visual resources, journals and newsletters. Visit our library site for more information. For regular updates on new additions to the library, sign up for our library updates.
Hepatitis SA provides information on the internet via website, social media and digital publishing.