Hepatitis SA is a non-profit, community-based organisation that provides information, education and support services to South Australians affected by hepatitis B and hepatitis C. This includes people with hepatitis B or C, their family and friends, and professionals who support them. We also provide hepatitis C peer education and support services, SA Harm Reduction Peer Services, and operate a NSP secondary site.
Our Vision
The physical and emotional wellbeing of South Australians living with viral hepatitis is optimised and the transmission of viral hepatitis is prevented.
Our Mission
Lead the community response to viral hepatitis in South Australia
Hepatitis SA started as the Hepatitis C Council of South Australia, initially as an informal meeting of people with hepatitis C and supportive others. These individuals came together to provide support for each other and seek accurate information about hepatitis C in the wider context of a largely inexperienced and reactive community. They went on to organise an ongoing support group, education and information seminars including a very significant symposium on hepatitis C held in 1995. The Council was incorporated on the 22nd of September 1994.
In 2011, responding to changing needs in the community, and our growing scope of work, Hepatitis C Council of South Australia was renamed Hepatitis SA.
Our Work
Hepatitis SA works to bring about a society where:
- viral hepatitis transmissions are minimal,
- the physical, emotional and social health and well-being of people affected by viral hepatitis are catered for, and
- the link between health and social justice is understood.
Hepatitis SA leads the community response to hepatitis by participating in government and community services reference groups.
Our on-going activities include:
- Development and distribution of hepatitis B and C information resources.
- Education and training, including a positive speaker program where people share their lived hepatitis experiences.
- Hepatitis C outreach peer education project.
- Hepatitis library including an online collection.
- Online information services.
- Peer based clean needle program services at various Adelaide locations.
- Peer based support groups for people affected by viral hepatitis.
- Telephone information and support to people affected by hepatitis B or C.
We are funded through SA Health and one-off grants from other sources.
Our Organisational Structure
- Hepatitis SA Board
- Chief Executive Officer
- Administration
- Admin Officers
- SA Harm Reduction Peer Services
- Coordinator
- Project Officer
- Harm Reduction Peers
- Coordinator
- Hepatitis SA Information & Support Services
- Coordinator
- Project Officer
- Phoneline Volunteers
- Coordinator
- Communications
- Coordinator
- Community Promotions Officer
- Publications Officer
- Web Developer
- Librarian
- Coordinator
- Viral Hepatitis Education Services
- Coordinators
- Educators
- Hepatitis Positive Speakers
- Coordinators
- Administration
- Chief Executive Officer
Hepatitis SA Board
Chair | Arieta Papadelos |
Vice Chair | Bill Gaston |
Secretary | Sharon Eves |
Treasurer | Michael Larkin |
Members | Bernie McGinnes |
Janice Pope | |
Lindy Brinkworth | |
Lucy Ralton | |
Memoona Rafique | |
Tamara Shipley | |
Kerry Paterson (Chief Executive Officer) |
Official Documents
Read and download our constitution, annual reports, current strategic plan and other documents in our official documents section.