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Should I get vaccinated?

The best protection against hepatitis B is vaccination. It is safe and effective.

If a family member or someone in your household has hepatitis B and your hepatitis B test results show that you are not immune, talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated. It should be free for you.

If you are a health worker involved in exposure prone procedures, chances are you've already been tested and vaccinated if not already immune. If you haven't, speak to your GP.

A complete course of hepatitis B vaccination consists of three doses given over a period of six months.

Hepatitis B vaccination in South Australia is free for people considered to be high risk. These include the homeless, sex workers, people living with someone with hepatitis B, people with HIV and other chronic liver disease, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

To see the full list of who is eligible for free vaccination under the High Risk Hepatitis B Immunisation Program, visit the SA Health website.

For more information on hepatitis B vaccination visit our Hepatitis B Vaccination & Prevention page.

How do I get vaccinated?

Ask your doctor about getting vaccinated.

If you need help finding a GP, call Hepatitis SA on 1800 437 222 for a referral.

Visit the SA Health website to see if you are eligible for a free hep B vaccination in South Australia.

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