5 Random Hep Myths...

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...that stop you getting more out of life!

Don't let these common myths stop you from getting the most out of your life and relationships!

Randomise again!

MYTH: My child’s best friend has hepatitis B. To protect my child, sadly, I have to limit their contact or watch over them all the time. And no sleep-overs.

Most children in Australia have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. The vaccine is safe and effective. If you are not sure whether your child has been vaccinated, talk to your doctor.

Make sure your child is vaccinated and let them play, fight, sleep-over...

MYTH: Hepatitis can be spread through hugging.

Go ahead and hug them.

You can’t get hepatitis from hugging, shaking hands, back slapping, high fives or other casual contacts that make life more enjoyable.

MYTH: People with hepatitis might pass it on to your pets.

Hepatitis B and C virus can only infect humans and higher primates. Your pet dog, cat, budgie or goldfish will not get hepatitis B or C from you or your human friends.

MYTH: Don't play contact sports with people who have hepatitis. You can catch it from them.

All sports should play the Blood Rule which says that where bleeding occurs during sports, all play must stop, first aid provided, cuts and grazes covered, and equipment or grounds cleaned up before game resumes. For more information, see http://bit.ly/bloodrules and keep that top player in your team.

MYTH: You can get hepatitis from toilet seats.

Hepatitis C is transmitted only by blood-to-bloodstream contact. Hepatitis B is transmitted by blood and sexual fluids. Neither is transmitted by sharing toilets.

Hepatitis A is transmitted via faecal-oral route but unless you plan on licking the toilet seat, or don’t wash your hands after toileting and before handling food, it is unlikely that you will get hepatitis A from sharing toilet seats.

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